Getting Started

How SOAP is used in TSW

TSW uses SOAP over HTTPS to send and receive messages.

Overview of SOAP

SOAP, originally defined as Simple Object Access Protocol, is a protocol specification for exchanging structured information in the implementation of Web Services in computer networks. It relies on Extensible Markup Language (XML) for its message format, and usually relies on other Application Layer protocols, most notably Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), for message negotiation and transmission.
SOAP can form the foundation layer of a web services protocol stack, providing a basic messaging framework upon which web services can be built.
This XML based protocol consists of three parts:

  1. an envelope, which defines what is in the message and how to process it,
  2. a set of encoding rules for expressing instances of application-defined data types,
  3. and a convention for representing procedure calls and responses.

Send Lodgement Manifest Schema

The send Lodgement manifest documents what is being submitted to the messaging gateway in terms of the SOAP attachments. The schema describes the Declaration Attachments, as well as any additional Documents attached (WCO V3 only). Graphically, the input schema looks like

There must be at least one manifest item. The manifest item contains details regarding the declaration, and it must have a type of ‘DEC’. For WCO V3 Messages, additional attachments can be sent. Each of the attachment must be documented in a manifest item. The number of attachments must match the Number of Manifest Items and the value in ‘NumberOfItems’ tag. If not, the SOAP message will be rejected immediately with a response ‘Lodgement Manifest Invalid‘.
If the signature and lodgement manifest is valid the response to the web service call will be the details of the submission with the status ‘Lodgement Received and being processed.’ This does not mean that the Lodgement has passed validation and has been passed to the relevant agency.
Descriptions of the fields used are in the following tables

Elements of SOAP

Element Description
/DocumentManifest/NumberOfItems Must contain the number of manifest items (and associated attachments) in the SOAP message
/DocumentManifest/ManifestItem One or more repetitions to specify the details of each attachment
/DocumentManifest/ManifestItem/Type Type of document type specified for this attachment. List of valid document types are listed in the schema. Exactly one of the manifest items must be specified with a type of ‘DEC’ to indication that this attachment is the Lodgement Declaration.
/DocumentManifest/ManifestItem/MimeTypeQualifierCode Mime type code indicating the type of attached document. For the Lodgement Declaration this should be one of the following:
WCO3 = application /xml
/DocumentManifest/ManifestItem/UniformResourceIdentifier Must contain the corresponding Content ID value in the SOAP Attachment.
/DocumentManifest/ManifestItem/AdditionalDocumentIdentification Optional. Identity of the attached document.
/DocumentManifest/ManifestItem/Authentication Conditional. If message authentication required will contain the result of the HMAC-256 algorithm of the DEC.